Summer Staff party for 30

This menu was designed around an eclectic group of eaters by their very generous boss who holds a staff party every two years for 30 staff and spouses in the grounds of his house in Sevenoaks in Kent. As I mentioned in my post about the success of this garden party, this was a very unusual venue for us, as the hosts had a very large back garden that couldn’t be accessed by the truck – and they had a very small and steeply climbing front drive. So we parked the truck right outside their front door – with guests ordering their food and walking through the house to the lovely tree lined and very green back garden.

As you can see by the menu below this was a very hungry group of party goers.

Deli Truck menu

The Menu for our guests most of which you saw being made in my last post

deli truck

Truck on a difficult slopping site – but it’s true the deli truck can go any where you want.





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